18 May

Glendowie Bowling Club – Snippets May 2021

As of the past weekend and despite the glorious weather last Saturday, our Summer Season has ended and our Winter Season is now in action.  What does this mean?   We will hold Open Triples on every second Thursday starting 20 May.  The Tuesday morning aggregate and the Thursday morning competitions on the alternate Thursdays will continue as usual. Also we have pairs tournaments scheduled for each Saturday.

Please note (This is repeated from the last Snippets):

  • All events will start at 10.00am.
  • Whites or club uniforms are not required.
  • All play will be on A-green.  B-green is now closed for the winter.
  • Check with Infoline (575 9383) if the weather looks doubtful.
  • Sign up sheets will be in the Hub for the Open Triples and the Saturday events.  Otherwise, please call Mike Hughes (021 0859 1112) if you want a game in the Open Triples by mid-day on the Tuesday preceding each tournament.   For the Saturdays, call Peter Wagner (021 831 272) by 6.00pm Thursday.  
  • Apart from the Open Triples all playing Glendowie members including Social Bowler members are able to play in all events through the winter.

In the meantime, Glendowie will be represented at the Men’s and Women’s Champ of Champs Pairs – this weekend, Triples – 15-16 May and Fours 22-23 May.  All the best for those tournaments .


A reminder: This is scheduled for Sunday 13 June and, while that is a way off just yet, we need to start the process by calling for nominations for the positions of President, Secretary and Treasuer and members of the Executive.  There will be a box placed by the notice board in the Clubhouse for these to be placed in. Also we need any Notices of Motions that need to be circulated prior to the meeting and reports for inclusion in the notices to go out.  Can these please be sent to Murray (gbcbowlz@xtra.co.nz) ASAP. 

We expect to email and regular mail for those without email addresses that documentation for the AGM and in due course will be mailing out the Handbook and Membership Cards to all members.  Very important.  Have any of your contact details changed?  Please contact Murray (585 1992 or gbcbowlz@xtra.co.nz) with any updates so that we can ensure you get your copies. 

Also important:   If you have any of the Club Cups or other trophies at home can you please return them to the Matchroom at the Club.

Sad but equally important:  This past season our record keeping has not been as good as it might have been and we don’t have recorded the winners of the following events:  Carroll Drawn Triples – 10 October, Furley Drawn -24 October and Tay Bush 2-4-2 – 5 December.  If you know who won these events – maybe yourself – please call Murray.

 Gleditsia triacanthos, Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, Platycerium, Neoregelia

Turned off yet?  Don’t – read on.  These are the names of the trees alongside B-green that are due to be removed in the next few weeks. Gleditsia is the shade tree that unfortunately is diseased and whose roots are undermining that side of B-green.   Archontophoenix are the palms also alongside B green and impacting on the grass growth of the green.  A decision was made some time back that these trees needed to be removed and now that play on B-green has halted for the season that job is due to start.  Now Platycerium refers to the Staghorn ferns growing on the Gleditsia and Neoregelia describes most of the very healthy bromileads growing at the base of the Gleditsia. The short story is both the staghorns and bromileads need new homes.  If that is in your garden, please feel free to come along and remove as many of these plants as you have space for. Just bring your own tools and please avoid going onto B-green.  Once the trees are removed and stumps ground down we’ll let the grass recover and then build a sun shelter over the area ready for next summer.   The costs for removal of the trees and building the shelter will largely be covered by a grant received from the Bluewater Trust last week.  Thanks Bluewater.

Office:  We are in the process of setting up an office at the Club in the Committee room and need a table suitable to use as an office desk.    If you have such a table in basement or wherever that you no longer need and would like to donate it to the Club, please call Murray (585 1992). Thanks.


3 May 2021