18 Nov

Glendowie Snippets – Nov-Dec 2019

Dear All
As Christmas and the end of the year approach activities around the club are starting to heat up. Pity about the temperatures though. There is a lot going on, so sorry about this long missive.

Auckland Bowls. The Exec is pleased to report that Auckland Bowls has awarded us a grant for the development of bowls in our area from the Rawhiti Fund. This will run through to April 2021 and will ensure that we can retain Lorraine Murray as our Club Development Manager for that period. Lorraine has been doing a great job for us and we are delighted that she will be able to continue. About 30 clubs in Auckland are now recipients of these grants in one form or another which have transformed the way many of these clubs operate.

We are well into our summer season and now have the grass green available for play. Reports are that is playing very well.

We have Thursday Open Triples Tournaments lined up for 31 October, 14 November and 12 December.

Summer Interclub begins 2 November and runs for three weeks. Note that there are no events scheduled at the club for these three Saturdays. However, on the following Sundays, we have a two-game roll up commencing at 1.00 pm. Social Bowler Members are most welcome to attend. Dress: mufti.

Nightingale/Bayleys Mixed Open Ham and Bubbles Tournament will be held on Thursday 28 November. This is one of our two major tournaments through the year and we are looking forward to a good number of both Glendowie and visiting teams present for an enjoyable day bowling with good prizes. Thanks to David Nightingale and Bayleys for sponsoring this tournament.

Our first Championship event – the Women’s and Men’s Championship Fours will be held over the weekend of 7, 8 December.

Note: Sign-up sheets are in the Hub for each of the Thursday and weekend events. Please enter your team or put up your name if wanting a game. Closing dates for Thursday events are the Monday preceding the game day or the Wednesday preceding game day for weekend events. Alternatively, call Ron Amodeo (09 521 1193) with your entries. For the Championship event call Heather Carter (09 575 8903) or John Mitchell (09 575 7950) with your

Social Bowls starts Monday 4 November and then runs every Monday through to 9 December. These are fun evenings and more helpers are always required in the kitchen (call Diane Ley – 09 528 7056) and on the green (call Bill McDermott – 09 528 8384). Thanks to New World Eastridge who have sponsored our Social Bowls for several years now.

Venue Hire. We have a number of events lined up for the pre-Christmas period. Several of these involve bowling and we need club members to help out coaching. This just involves the basics of bowls, so no coaching qualifications are required. If you can help, even just once, please call Lorraine Murray (021 136 3381).

Christmas Dinner. The Club Christmas Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday 4 December, 6.00 for 6.30 pm, $35 per person. All welcome. Tickets are available from Robert Collins (021 055 7230) or Diane Ley (021 057 5762). Please see the notice attached.

An Invitation. Communicare, a group that caters for elderly people in the community have been using our clubrooms on Wednesday morning over the last several months. Up to 20 people come along and take part in a variety of activities. On Wednesday 30 October they are holding a morning tea to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Communicare in the city and they extend an invitation to Glendowie Bowling Club members to join them at the Club from 10.00 to 12.00. Please see invitation attached For more information please contact Lorraine Murray (021 136 3381).

Trees. Members going up to the Club over the last week will have noticed quite a change with several trees removed. These trees include the big eucalypt that overhung the driveway and that shed branches blocking the driveway on two occasions over the last two years and a row of dead or dying cedars at the back of the rubbish dump.

All these trees, while within our boundary, were there before the club was set up. The City Aborist agreed that they were his responsibility and he organised their removal thereby saving the club several thousand dollars. Note that all the other trees on the grounds are ours and our responsibility to maintain. The wood that is in the driveway at the entrance to the club is free for anyone to take away. It needs chopping up but should be good and dry by next winter.

Obituary. The Club notes with sadness the death of Geoff Laws, a long-time Full Member and, more recently, a Social Member of the club.

Phone numbers. Please update the following phone numbers in the Handbook.
P2 Patrons’ phone number should be 09 575 2325
P99: Alan and Karol Brooks number now 027 263 1700
