Snippets – Christmas 2021
Snippets -Christmas 2021
Yes, with the move to our Traffic Light system, Glendowie moved to open up to our normal events from the beginning of December. Since then we have had the Tay Bush Bonus Fours, a Glendowie Club Ham Tournament and, this weekend just past, the Men’s and Women’s Championship Fours. Winners were:
Peter Wagner, Bruce Anderson, Colin O’Brien and Mike Armstrong and
Jeanette Macdonald, Nola Gardner, Diane Ley and Jean Krelle
Congratulations to both teams.
Upcoming events. From the start of the New Year, COVID willing, events will proceed as listed in the Club Handbook. These include two Open Triples tournaments, 13 and 20 January (note successive Thursdays), and the Men’s and Women’s Triples Championship 29 & 30 January. Please check the Handbook for other January events.
Note also, our major tournament of the year, the St Andrew’s Village Classic is scheduled for 2 & 3 March and entries will be taken from the start of the year.
Social Bowls will resume 14 February. More about that in the new year.
Glendowie Bowling Club COVID policy
In the interests of keeping members and visitors as safe as possible, Glendowie Bowling Club currently requires anyone over the age of 12 who is wanting to enter the club premises, to present their “My Vaccine Pass” as a condition of entry. Please note that there is register kept in the Match Room that records sighting of Member’s Passes so that they only need to be verified once.
Taranaki Fours. Glendowie will again have a team – Peter Wagner, David Nightingale, Ted Morris and Mike Armstrong – playing in this event during the week of 17 January.
Handbook Corrections
Karol Brooks mobile 027 244 5294
Fran Benfell mobile 021 0225 5390
The Club is saddened to record the deaths of two former members over the last few months. Graham Wallace was a long standing member (since 1985) and former President of the Men’s Club. He was a Social Member for the last several years. Evelyn Eagland joined the Club in 1996 and transferred from Full Member to Social Bowler Member in 2019, before resigning at the beginning of this year due to health issues. She also organised the Monday Mah Jong group session for several years.
Skip. A large rubbish skip will be at the Club from Friday until after Christmas. Please contact Nevile (021 052 1434) if you have items you need to dispose of.
and Season’s Greetings from our President.
The end is in sight and soon we will be able to put 2021 behind us. What a year it has been with COVID lockdowns interrupting our Club activities for much of the year. Hopefully 2022 will be better. Thanks to all who have kept the Club running through the year. On behalf of the Executive, best wishes for the holiday period wherever you might be.
Peter Wagner