Welcome to Neighbourhood Bowls.

MONDAYS     4th November – 9 December
                            10 February – 24th March 

FOR PICTURE GALLERY: https://glendowiebowls.org.nz/22-23-neighbourhood-bowls-in-pics/

A very popular, fun evening of bowls for the whole community with dinner afterwards. Come and join in! You can just come yourself, or gets friends, family, colleagues together to form a team of three – no experience necessary! 

5.00-6.00pm: Registration and practice (bowls and coaching provided)
6.00-7.00pm: Game
7.00-8.00pm: Dinner and prize-giving

$25 for non members / $15 for members. (Annual membership from just $125!)

Dress casual – just need flat, non-marking shoes.

If the weather looks doubtful (perish the thought!), please call the Infoline 575 9383 after 3.30pm.

To avoid disappointment and to help us sort teams out, it would be great if you could phone or text Alan 027 263 1700 by mid-day on the Monday. Otherwise register on the day between 5 and 5.30 for a 6pm game-time!