St Andrew’s Village Classic 2023
Whew! The weather stayed beautifully fine and we had two excellent days of hard-fought bowls in GBC’s biggest feature tournament. 18 teams from a number of clubs went to work to capture the top honour…and of course some prize money as well…and in the end it was congratulations to a composite team of Colin O’Brien (Glendowie), John Morris (Carlton Cornwall) Dave McFadzen (Ellerslie) and Wally Marsic (Carlton Cornwall) (as they appear in the last photo below with Judy Armour from St Andrew’s Village).
Sincere thanks as always to our long-standing and hugely valued partner St Andrew’s Village for their sponsorship of this tournament and fantastic ongoing support of the club.
And a massive thank you to tournament organizer Murray Grigor and the team of volunteers for all the hours that were put in to make the St Andrew’s Village Classic the annual success that it is.
‘Til next year!